I have used many editors (chiefly vim
) and IDEs (pycharm) My
colleagues use sublime text so I gave it a try, but always switched
back to either pycharm for python
coding, and vim
for everything
else (until I came across spacemacs
, and now that is my main editor
for last few months. I still use vim
occasionally, on remote server
Back to sublime text ..
One of the thing I liked about sublime text was that I could just open a new window, start typing and even after I quit/restart sublime, my contents would be there.
So even log after I stopped using sublime for coding, I continued using it mainly for this purpose alone.
I have several such “windows” from few months ago, and I found what I
wanted there (Since I started using space/emacs, I have started using
for such things, but I still find myself using sublime for
creating persistent scratch buffers)
It never occurred to me to look for similar functionality in emacs (kinda highlights my noob status, since an experienced emacs user knows that nothing is impossible with emacs) and then I came across this reddit thread.
Installing it is a simple matter of adding it to
, and then SPC f e R
At first, I got file-error
since package list was stale. Restarting
spacemacs fixed that (turns out I could have easily done
M-x package-refresh-contents
Then I had to add (persistent-scratch-setup-default)
to my
, and that's it.
I now have scratch buffer that will retain its contents across restarts.
parting thoughts
I still think this is not same as what sublime text does.
The reddit thread also mentions open-junk-file
(which is exactly my
use case, since I don't care about the filename or its location, just
the contents) but open-junk-file
creates files using timestamp.
Plus, using single scratch buffer is not same as ability to use as many
scratch buffers as needed. I guess I can always have one giant
buffer, divided using org-mode
But then why not simply use org-capture
? That is what it is meant
for, isn't it ?
Oh, well …
Update : Feb 27, 2018
For several months now, I am using TextWrangler on macOS, which has similar feature that retains the contents of “new” buffer across restarts without having to explicitly save the contents.